MAVIS: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual is an electronic national journal available in print and online and published twice a year. This journal follows guidelines based on the Regulation of the Head of LIPI Number 5 of 2014 concerning the Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications which originates from COPE (Publication Ethics Committee) in dealing with all aspects of publication ethics, and specifically how to handle cases of research and publication errors. This statement explains the ethical behavior of all parties involved in the act of publishing articles in this journal, including the Author, Chair of the Editorial Board, Editorial Board, Peer Reviewer, and publisher (LPPM STIKI)

Ethics Guideline for Publication

Scientific publication of an article is the work of the thoughts of a person or group of people, after going through scientific studies it is disseminated in the form of scientific writing, including in the form of journals, books, proceedings, research reports, scientific papers, and posters. This scientific publication is a direct reflection of the quality of the author's scientific work and the institution where the author works. It is therefore important to agree on ethical standards of behavior expected of all parties involved in the act of publishing: authors, editors or editors of journals, reviewers, publishers, and the society.

LPPM STIKI Malang as the publisher of MAVIS: Journal of Visual Communication Design carries out the task of supervising all stages of publication carefully and also regarding our ethics and other responsibilities. We are committed to ensuring that advertising, reprint, or other commercial revenue does not impact or influence the decisions of the Editorial Board. In addition, LPPM STIKI Malang and the Editorial Board will assist in communication with other journals and/or publishers if this is useful and necessary

Ethics for Editor

The editor of MAVIS: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual determines the publication process and integrates the functions of authors, reviewers, and journal managers to publish papers based on scientific and ethical principles. Editors respond to criticism, suggestions, and objections from authors honestly and transparently. The editorial task is also to maintain the independence of the journal from considerations of pure commercialization and strive for the journal to remain first-class in its field. The editor works according to the following ethical principles and standards.

  1. Responsible for the choice of journal content and seeks to improve the quality of publications on an ongoing basis.
  2. Obliged to make a writing guide for the author along with the template.
  3. Critically assessing that the written work is free from ethical violations, honest and objective, independent, assessing each on quality regardless of the author's nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race, religion, gender, seniority, or institutional affiliation, and free from prejudice in making decisions including in selecting reviewers.
  4. Ensure that the written review process is carried out thoroughly, transparently, objectively, and fairly.
  5. Ensure that all published papers have gone through a review process by qualified reviewers.
  6. Ensure the feasibility of reviewers selected according to their competence. The reviewer's members selected are those who can consider written works and do not have conflicts of interest.
  7. Reject writing without going through a review process if it does not fit the scope of the journal or is of low quality, but not because of the background of the author or affiliated institution.
  8. Strive to ensure that published research complies with the guidelines for the scientific publication code of ethics issued by LIPI and relevant international guidelines.
  9. Provide a filling form for the author to sign regarding ethical statements (ethical clearance) and copyright agreements.

Ethics for Reviewer

Reviewers are parties who assist editors in critically examining the substance of scientific papers in accordance with their areas of expertise so reviewers play a very important role in the scientific publication process. Reviewers work according to the following ethical principles and standards.

  1. Required, to be honest, objective, unbiased, independent, and only side with scientific truth.
  2. Must be critical in assessing the content of a written work in accordance with their field of expertise, be open about new things, keep the matter being assessed secret, not take personal advantage of the written work being assessed, and have the enthusiasm to improve the written work that has been studied.
  3. Has the task of assisting the editor in determining which papers can be published and assisting authors to improve the quality of their writings.
  4. required to always adhere to basic principles and scientific analysis in the process of reviewing a written work.
  5. The results of the review are presented honestly, and objectively and are supported by clear arguments. Several possible recommendations from the review: (i) accepted without improvement or accepted with minor improvements (after corrections by the author, no need to return to reviewers), (ii) accepted with improvements (after corrections by authors, return to reviewers for review ), (iii) rejected and advised to be published in another appropriate place, (iv) rejected and advised not to be published anywhere because the work is scientifically flawed or has a detrimental impact on users/society.
  6. Do not take advantage of the written work that is reviewed for personal or third-party interests. The use of some of the contents of the paper under review has received permission from the author. The written work being reviewed should not be disseminated.

Ethics for Author

Authors in scientific journals are parties who express the results of their thoughts and/or research and development in the form of written works that meet the requirements of scientific and ethical principles. Research is aimed at obtaining new knowledge, adding to scientific treasures beyond the limits of known knowledge, or producing scientific solutions to the problems at hand. The result of this process is the author's contribution as an individual in contributing knowledge. The author works based on the requirements of scientific rules and ethical standards as follows.

  1. Content that the names listed as authors include the order according to the order of their contributions and stated by all members. If there is a change, reduction, or addition of the author's name, the other author must first adopt it. The author ensures that all parties who contribute non-substantively in writing will be thanked.
  2. Responsible collectively for the work and content of the article which includes methods, analysis, calculations, and details.
  3. Inform the editor if you want to withdraw your written work.
  4. Inform the editors about papers that are part of research in stages, multidisciplinary, and various perspectives.
  5. If requested, the authors provide evidence that the research has met the requirements of research ethics, including providing field notes or a research log book. The author responds adequately to any comments or feedback after the work has been published.
  6. Neither engaging in plagiarism nor self-plagiarism in MAVIS: Journal of Visual Communication Design