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General Information

  1. Manuscripts must be original and have not been previously published in any scientific journal, manuscripts are not submitted for publication elsewhere, and will not be submitted to any media during the review process unless the author has officially withdrawn the manuscript from the MAVIS Journal. The statement must be stated in the originality statement and copyright waiver form (Copyright Notice Form).
  2. MAVIS Journal uses Similarity Check to prevent plagiarism in manuscripts
  3. The manuscript covers various topics of the MAVIS Journal as a scientific publication media in the form of research and design works in the field of art and design
  4. This journal is published 2 (two) times a year in March and September
  5. Every author who wants to publish his paper in this journal must comply with all the rules and conditions that have been set
  6. MAVIS provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. MAVIS will not charge subscription or access fees. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of all articles in MAVIS without any commercial intention


Articles (paper) written by the terms and systematics as follows:

  1. Manuscripts are written in Indonesian and use standard scientific principles.
  2. Manuscripts must be prepared in Microsoft Word format, except for Graphics using the Microsoft Excel program and Images in JPEG or PDF format.
  3. Manuscripts must be typed in Times New Roman font with size 10pt, single-spaced, and two columns.
  4. Each table or figure is numbered sequentially, the title corresponds to the contents of the table and figure, and the source of the quotation if any.
  5. If the source is written between opening and closing brackets, type Times New Roman bold, size 10 pt. The title of the table or figure is written in the middle


Articles Systematics

  1. Titles should describe the research results and variables. The maximum title of the article consists of 12 words.
  2. The abstract and keywords contain a description of the problem and research objectives, the methods used, and the results of the research. The abstract consists of a maximum of 250 words. Keywords consist of 3-5 words
  3. The introduction, contains research problems, research completion plans, and research objectives and if necessary the author can add literature reviews related to the research.
  4. The research method, contains research design or research design, research goals and targets (population and sample), data collection techniques, and analysis techniques.
  5. The result and Discussion, contain the results of data analysis, hypothesis testing, answers to research questions, findings, and implementation.
  6. Conclusion and Further Research, research conclusions and suggestions that refer to research results and further research opportunities
  7. References contain the sources referred to in writing the article, written like the following example:

References: Include the sources referred to in writing the article, only the sources used are listed in the bibliography. Writing citations or citations is recommended using a reference management application program such as Mendeley, EndNote, or Zotero. The writing format used in MAVIS Journal follows the APA style.


(The thing to note is the title of the book which is written in italics with the use of capital letters following the writing of standard sentences. The maximum number of authors that can be staked in one referral is six. If more than six authors are added, the seventh and subsequent authors are written as et al)


Single author: Conley, D. 2002. The daily miracle: An Introduction to Journalism. Oxford University Press. New York

Double Author: Anna, N., & Santoso, CL. 1997. Pendidikan Anak. Family Press. Jakarta.

Multiple authors: Kotler, P., Adam, S., Brown., L & Armstrong, G. 2003. Principles of marketing. 2nd ed. Pearson Education Australia. Melbourne

Author's last name, initial first name, year of publication, article title using single quotation marks, journal name using the italic format, volume number (vol.), and page number.

Single author: Hall, M 1999, ‘Breaking the silence: marginalisation of registered nurses employed in nursing homes’,Contemporary Nurse, vol. 8, no. 1, hh. 232-237.

Double author: Davis, L, Mohay, H & Edwards, H 2003, ‘Mothers’ involvement in caring for their premature infants: an historical overview’, Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 42, no. 6, hh. 578–86.

Multiple author: Wijaya, K, Phillips, M & Syarif, H 2002, ‘Pemilihan sistem penyimpanan data skala besar’, Jurnal Informatika Indonesia, vol. 1, no. 3, hh. 132-140.

No author: ‘Building human resources instead of landfills’ 2000, Biocycle, vol. 41, no. 12, hh. 28-29.

Birbeck, D & Drummond, M 2006, ‘Very young children’s body image: bodies and minds under construction’, International Education Journal, vol. 7, no.4, dilihat 12 Desember 2006,


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