Product Recommendation System Using User-Based Collaborative Screening Methods In Digital Marketing


Satia Suhada Saeful Bahri Setyo Bagus Nugraha Taufik Hidayatulloh Dede Wintana


The recommendation system has been implemented in digital marketing used in marketing products and services. The recommendation system is used to provide offers of goods and services in accordance with customer habits and interests in the proposed products and services, but in practice the right product offering for customers leads to the idea of developing a product recommendation system. Purchase data obtained from customers can be used to analyze customer needs and product preferences. In the recommendation system, Collaborative Filtering is one of the most commonly used algorithms. The purpose of this study is to find out how accurate the recommendation system is based on the purchase of similar goods between consumers using User-based Collaborative Filtering. Based on the results of the study, User-based Collaborative Filtering using Cosine Similarity calculations can be applied and produce 10 product recommendations with an RMSE value of 0.9.


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