Sentiment Analysis Sentiment Analysis on Twitter of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise Using a comparison of the Naïve Bayes Algorithm and Support Vector Machine


Dedi Dwi Saputra Riza Fahlapi Antonius Yadi Kuntoro Hermanto Hermanto Taufik Asra


Direktorat Jenderal Bea & Cukai (DJBC) is a government agency in charge of guarding and serving export and import activities in Indonesia since its establishment in 1946 which is expected by the community as the front guard in protecting the community in this field, but in recent times there have been many cases involving the institution of the Directorate General of Customs & Excise which make this institution can affect the view of the performance of this institution. With the description of the problem above, it is very interesting to conduct research on public views using tweets from twitter @bravobeacukai and @beacukaiRI which are owned and processed by Direktorat Jenderal Bea & Cukai as a place to channel public opinions and views on this institution. This research uses the Smote method with Naïve Bayes and compared with Support vector machine methods for these results to compare the level of accuracy. The results of this study found that using the Smote method with Naïve Bayes obtained an Accuracy value of 78.95%, Precision 74.01%, Recall 89.41%, and AUC 0.650 while for the Smote method with Support vector machine is worth 73.35% Accuracy, Precision 67.88%, Recall 88.95%, and AUC 0.853. Based on the research results, the smote method with Naïve Bayes has the greatest results and is effective with the dataset studied.


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