SMATIKA JURNAL : STIKI Informatika Jurnal <p>SMATIKA: STIKI Informatika Jurnal is a journal published by&nbsp;Lembaga Penelitian &amp; Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat&nbsp; (LPPM) of Sekolah Tinggi Informatika &amp; Komputer Indonesia (STIKI) Malang. The scope of this journal in the field of Computer Science, Information Systems, and Information Management. SMATIKA journal published twice a year, in Juny and December with an ISSN (printed): <a href=";1276485088&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2087-0256</a> and ISSN (online): <a href=";1491466549&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2580-6939</a>. SMATIKA has accredited <a href="">Sinta in S4</a> and has had DOI <a href=";publication=SMATIKA+JURNAL">10.32664.</a></p> en-US <p>The writer agreed that the article copyright by Smatika journal and the writer has the right to disseminate the paper published without permission in advance.</p> (Siti Aminah S.Si., M.Pd) (Addin Aditya S.Kom., M.Kom) Wed, 26 Jun 2024 09:12:10 +0000 OJS 60 Implementation of the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm for Smart Wheelbarrows in Monitoring Animal Feed <p><em>The Internet of Things (IoT) implementation in the livestock sector includes the use of sensors, software and internet-based platforms to monitor, manage and optimize in real-time. This research is intended to solve problems at PT. Indo Prima Beef noted that the use of animal feed is still based on estimates, resulting in the calculation of the selling price of cattle being inaccurate and potentially detrimental. Manual recording which is prone to errors and less efficient causes uncertainty in feed management and costs. Therefore, this research develops an IoT-based tool that is integrated in a wheelbarrow. This tool is capable of reading the results of weighing animal feed and storing the data in real-time in a database connected to web monitoring. Apart from that, the monitoring application can display recap results of cow feed weights, there are also features that support optimal use of the Smart Gerobak Sorong. The method used in this research is applying the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm as a safeguard for data communication between IoT and the database. Based on the test results on a cow's feed weight of 10.6 kg, a difference value of 0.11 kg was obtained. This means that the average error value is 0.01%. So, it can be concluded that the loadcell sensor can read mass data for weighing cattle feed with the same load. With this tool, PT. Indo Prima Beef can increase the efficiency of feed use, optimize business income, and provide innovative and effective solutions in overall animal feed management.</em></p> Alvi Suhartanto, Heni Sulistiani, Selamet Samsugi, Reflan Nuari, Izudin Ismail ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 26 Jun 2024 05:27:30 +0000 Inventory Information System at UPTD Puskesmas Kemlagi Using Waterfall Methode <p><em>This research is motivated by rapid developments in technology and science which have a positive impact on society. UPTD Puskesmas Kemlagi, as a public health institution, faces challenges in managing inventory using manual methods and MS Excel. The aim of this research is to make it easier to monitor, maintain and analyze item acceptance by utilizing the Waterfall software development approach. Black box testing is a research approach used to assess the functionality and performance of an inventory information system being developed. The research results show that the existence of an inventory information system has succeeded in helping employees carry out their duties more easily and comfortably. The implementation of the Waterfall method has proven to be effective in increasing efficiency and performance, responding to the challenges faced by the UPTD Puskesmas Kemlagi, and making a positive contribution to the management of inventory at the health institution.</em></p> Rafi Fakhruddin Rizaldi, Suhendro Busono, Arif Senja Fitrani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 26 Jun 2024 07:24:34 +0000 Android File Security Application with AES Encryption and Fingerprint Authentication <p><em>Data security in the current digital era has become critically important. Data and digital document thefts continue to occur, with an average cost of $3.86 million due to data breaches in 2018. To tackle this challenge, cryptography, particularly encryption, has become a key element in maintaining data confidentiality and integrity. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) has become the global standard for preserving data confidentiality by transforming data into a form that is difficult to decipher without the correct key. However, AES security relies heavily on the strength of the key used, posing risks of weak keys and potential negligence. This research aims to address these issues by combining AES-128 as the encryption algorithm and fingerprint-based authentication to enhance security access. The use of fingerprint biometric verification provides a user-friendly layer of security. The application was tested using Automated Testing, which is a method for testing a system using a series of scripts. The test results demonstrate that by combining the latest encryption technology and biometric authentication, this research successfully developed an application capable of encrypting data using the AES algorithm and integrating it with BiometricPrompt. The outcome is an improved level of data security in this digital era.</em></p> Habib Husain Amirullah, Ade Eviyanti, Sumarno Sumarno ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 26 Jun 2024 08:27:03 +0000 Hero Name Recognition Learning Application Using the Fisher-Yates Algorithm <p><em>Application of technology in learning activities is the right decision, because most children have a great sense of curiosity, such as curiosity about heroes. Heroes are historical figures who contribute to the development of nations and countries. A use of technology that can be used is a learning application and is generally made in the form of quiz games. Quiz games are games that are played by answering existing questions. The questions were randomly selected using the Fisher-Yates algorithm. The Fisher-Yates algorithm is a calculation by creating random variations of existing sets. The Multimedia Development Life Cycle method is employed in this research as it is suitable for building multimedia application systems. In this development, the test stage uses the black box testing method. Based on the research results and the development process, it can be concluded that the application of the Fisher-Yates algorithm can run well in randomizing questions based on the results of 15 trial tests. And according to the black box testing results, it indicates that the created application can be used properly.</em></p> Muhammad Aldito Ardiansyah, R. M. Nasrul Halim ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 26 Jun 2024 09:45:17 +0000 Implementation of Forward Chaining Method in Expert System for Diagnosing Farm Chicken Disease <p><em>One of the most serious problems faced by chicken farmers is chicken disease. Chicken diseases can be diagnosed by identifying the symptoms that appear and also consulting with an expert. However, this method requires a long time and is quite expensive. Therefore, this research aims to implement the forward chaining method in an expert system to help chicken farmers in diagnosing chicken diseases online. This expert system was developed using the PHP programming language and MySQL database. This expert system also provides treatment guidelines that are in accordance with the diagnosed disease. The expert system was tested using 33 symptoms and 10 common chicken diseases. The test results show that this expert system can diagnose chicken diseases with high accuracy and provide diagnosis results directly through a web browser. This expert system can also improve users' understanding of website creation and chicken diseases.</em></p> Ahmad Januar Amriyansah, Heni Sulistiani, Riska Amalia ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 27 Jun 2024 08:25:55 +0000 Implementation Of Augmented Reality As A Media Introduction To The Solar System Based On Android <p><em>Most science subjects, especially those related to the solar system are still taught conventionally, using props such as books, blackboards, and props. These props do not attract the attention of students, so students become less interested in subjects. So it takes alternative media in the introduction of solar system materials. The purpose of this study is to create a solar system recognition application based on Augmented Reality. This application will make planetary objects more realistic and improve students ' understanding of the literature on the solar system. This research will use literature study research method. Identifying problems, conducting literature research, collecting data, developing systems, testing applications, and writing reports are the research steps. This research produces augmented reality applications that use markerless method so that 3D objects can be moved freely by the user.&nbsp; this application can be an alternative media introduction to the solar system, helping students gain a better understanding and encourage them to participate in active learning</em></p> Ardian Danang Kurniawan, Joko Aryanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 27 Jun 2024 09:11:17 +0000 Implementation of Fuzzy Logic to Determine the Amount of Bread Production Using Tsukamoto Method <p><em>In an effort to improve the sustainability of the product manufacturing business, an appropriate strategy is needed to avoid losses due to wrong policies. This </em><em>research</em><em> proposes the application of Tsukamoto fuzzy logic as a solution to determine bread production based on inventory and demand. Bread, as a product with a short expiration period, requires smart production management to avoid waste and losses. Many bakeries still adopt the traditional way without considering fluctuations in market demand, which may result in overproduction or stock shortages. This research takes the case of Sarinda bakery, which is experiencing challenges in coping with market demand fluctuations. Through the use of the Tsukamoto fuzzy method, the results showed an accuracy rate of 93.06%, with a Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of 6.94%, a very good category. This method proves its effectiveness in helping entrepreneurs determine the amount of bread production in accordance with changing market conditions, without the need to add many existing production facilities. The use of Tsukamoto fuzzy logic in this context can be a smart solution to improve bread production efficiency and optimize business profits.</em></p> Ipung Dwi Antoni, Yulian Findawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 27 Jun 2024 09:55:43 +0000 Designing Inventory Information System at PT. Rejoso Manis Indo Using Rapid Application Development Method <p><em>Technology that cannot be stopped and is increasingly developing requires companies like PT. Rejoso Manis Indo to adopt a more sophisticated and efficient system. This company's still manual inventory management process faces various problems, such as recording errors, lost or damaged data, and low efficiency. Difficulty tracking the status of goods also results in inaccurate data. This research aims to design an inventory information system using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method which involves users at every stage of development. Data was collected through Likert scale questionnaires, interviews, and literature studies. This system was implemented using PHP CodeIgniter, and MySQL, and checked using the System Usability Scale (SUS) and black box testing. The research results show that the developed inventory information system increases effectiveness and efficiency, with a user satisfaction level of 77 with a value of B (Good). In conclusion, this system is effective in overcoming inventory problems at PT. Rejoso Manis Indo, although further research is needed to involve more users from various departments and examine the security and scalability aspects of the system.</em></p> Panky Yoga Pratama, Abd. Charis Fauzan, Tito Prabowo ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 01 Jul 2024 02:18:58 +0000 Implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) in Tracking the Position of Search and Rescue Teams in Sukoharjo District Using LoRa <p><em>This research was motivated by communication problems and tracking the position of the SAR search team in Sukoharjo Regency, which was caused by limited connections and signals in remote areas. This limitation makes it difficult for the SAR command center to visually monitor the team's location on digital maps, thereby hampering the efficiency of search and rescue operations. The aim of this research is to implement Internet of Things (IoT) technology using LoRa to overcome these problems and increase the efficiency of search and rescue operations. The research method used is the prototyping paradigm, which involves developing and testing a prototype of an IoT-based tracking system. This prototype is designed to provide real-time location information for search teams, which can be accessed by the SAR command center even in areas with limited signal. The research results showed that the system developed was successful in providing real-time location information for the search team, which could be accessed by the SAR command center even though it was in an area with limited signal. In conclusion, this research succeeded in achieving its goal, namely improving the tracking and communication capabilities of SAR search teams in remote areas through the use of IoT and LoRa technology, so that it is hoped that it can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of search and rescue operations in the future.</em></p> A Ari Andrianto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 01 Jul 2024 03:05:20 +0000 Implementation Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) For Bima Script Handwriting Recognition <p><em>Indonesia with its rich cultural diversity, certainly results in the existence of various languages in it.&nbsp; In the dialect of a region, there are letter symbols that represent the expression of the region's unique language. One example of a language that shows unique characteristics in its writing system is Bima, known as the Bima script. Bima script, or often referred to as Mbojo script, is a writing system traditionally used in the Bima region, located in West Nusa Tenggara Province. Bima script is still not widespread among the public, so it is important to preserve it as part of the cultural heritage of the Mbojo tribe. This research aims to train a computer to recognize Bima characters. The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method is used in this research to recognize Bima script handwriting. The dataset used consists of 2640 images of Bima script handwriting with 22 classes. The results showed a reliable performance of the CNN model, with an accuracy of 97,34%, precision 97,56%, recall 97,34%, and f1-score 97,31% on the test data.</em></p> Ahmad Angga Handoko, Mochamad Alfan Rosid, Uce Indahyanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 SQL Injection: Analysis of Penetration Testing Effectiveness in Web Applications <p><em>In the continuously evolving digital era, information system security becomes crucial, particularly against SQL Injection attacks that threaten data integrity. This research aims to evaluate the vulnerability to SQL Injection in web applications and assess the effectiveness of penetration testing methods as a security measure. Utilizing a literature review and previous studies, this research identifies various attack techniques and defense strategies used to protect data. Through systematic penetration testing on ten websites, this study produces performance data reflecting the success rate of attacks and the time required for penetration. The results show variations in the effectiveness of penetration testing tools, with some sites exhibiting significant vulnerabilities. To enhance the security of web applications, this research suggests updating programming languages, implementing OOP and MVC paradigms, using Rest APIs, implementing WAFs, and utilizing CAPTCHAs. These findings provide insights for developing more robust and adaptive security strategies in the face of cyber threats.</em></p> Luthfi Arian Nugraha, Irwan Alnarus Kautsar, Arif Senjani Fitrani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Web-Based Digital Freelance Platfrom Design Using Waterfall Method <p><em>With advances in technology, people can now work independently without having to come to work. This is thanks to technology which is increasingly widespread in various aspects of human life. Especially among the younger generation, interest in becoming freelancers is increasing because of the flexibility of work schedules that allow them to work from anywhere. Apart from that, they can collaborate with clients from various countries via the internet. In this research, the author uses the waterfall development method, which emphasizes structured steps starting from identifying needs to system maintenance. In conclusion, this program has succeeded in facilitating collaboration between freelancers who need work partners on agreed projects. My freelance platform allows anyone to register as a freelancer and partner, making it easier for them to find work. The program testing results show a success percentage of 93%.</em></p> Muhammad Alvin Azzamul Azmi, Irwan Alnaurus Kautsar, Nuril Lutvi Azizah, Novia Ariyanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Implimentation Of Payment Gateway On Digital Freelance Platform Using Rest <p><em>In the continuously evolving digital era, the use of payment gateways has become a crucial element in online business transactions. A payment gateway is a technology or service that enables companies or institutions and applications to accept electronic payments or other digital payment methods. This study employs an Agile Development approach to implement a payment gateway on a digital freelance platform. Agile Development was chosen for its flexibility and iterative approach, allowing for quick adjustments to changing needs. The results indicate that the payment gateway on this freelance platform operates quite effectively. Testing on the platform showed successful outcomes with a success rate of </em><em>87</em><em>%. This research demonstrates that integrating a payment gateway via REST API not only enhances the operational efficiency of the freelance platform but also strengthens user trust in the digital payment system, thereby supporting the growth and sustainability of the freelance platform's business.</em></p> Muhammad Agung Laksono, Irwan Alnarus Kautsar, Hamzah Setiawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000