SMATIKA JURNAL : STIKI Informatika Jurnal <p>SMATIKA: STIKI Informatika Jurnal is a journal published by&nbsp;Lembaga Penelitian &amp; Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat&nbsp; (LPPM) of Sekolah Tinggi Informatika &amp; Komputer Indonesia (STIKI) Malang. The scope of this journal in the field of Computer Science, Information Systems, and Information Management. SMATIKA journal published twice a year, in Juny and December with an ISSN (printed): <a href=";1276485088&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2087-0256</a> and ISSN (online): <a href=";1491466549&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2580-6939</a>. SMATIKA has accredited <a href="">Sinta in S4</a> and has had DOI <a href=";publication=SMATIKA+JURNAL">10.32664.</a></p> en-US <p>The writer agreed that the article copyright by Smatika journal and the writer has the right to disseminate the paper published without permission in advance.</p> (Siti Aminah S.Si., M.Pd) (Addin Aditya S.Kom., M.Kom) Thu, 07 Dec 2023 07:06:35 +0000 OJS 60 Home Page SMATIKA Journal Volume 13 Number 02, Desember 2023 Siti Aminah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 19 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Turtle Feeding Automation Using Fuzzy Logic And Base64 User Password Security Based On Esp8266 <p><em>Currently, many automation systems have been implemented in various fields, one of which is animal husbandry. </em><em>There are many hobbyists who want to keep turtles, both for care and for business. It is quite difficult now to be preoccupied with matters that require leaving the house. Therefore the owner must have a lot of free time to care for the turtles. In fact, keeping turtles is also not easy, there are many obstacles to face. One of them is to provide feed manually by still using human power, therefore the aim of this research is to make an automatic feeding device to make it easier for turtle keepers to provide feed automatically with a set time that can be determined. This study uses ESP8266 as a hardware platform to connect to a Wi-Fi network. In this study monitoring feed via the web and connected to the tool to be made, the author integrates ultrasonic sensors for testing based on the percentage of remaining feed that comes out, with the method used, namely Fuzzy Logic to calculate the percentage of the remaining feed that comes out. By using an ultrasonic sensor this research has been successfully carried out according to the main purpose of the research, the results of this test have been carried out and got the desired result of the author, namely 100, which means that if the feed capacity is 8cm during the day, the servo will open according to the action given, and it can be concluded that this research has been successful.</em></p> Muhammad Naufal Asamukti, Septi Andryana, Ira Diana Sholihati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 07 Dec 2023 04:40:39 +0000 Design of a Food Ordering System Using QR-CODE and Web-Based Linear Search <p><em>Technological advances in the field of mobile applications for online purchases, especially those involving food and beverages, have grown significantly in the current era of globalization. To overcome this problem, the reviewer uses QR code scanning technology. This QR code technology was chosen because it can offer a very fast, simple, precise and mechanical data collection method. The purpose of designing this application is to make it easier to order food and drinks using QR-codes. In this study using the Linear Search Algorithm method as a search for food and beverage data. Linear Search works on unordered or ascending text sequences. he looks for data by comparing one by one the elements of a set, write them in a table or array, by starting the search on the first element in the sequence of a set. From the results of the tests that have been carried out, it can be seen that the earlier the position of the food and beverage menu data that is being searched for, the longer the program will take to find the intended data, the faster it will be. Meanwhile, the later the data menu position you are looking for, the longer the program execution time will be. Here proves that the index position of the data you are looking for is very influential on the speed of searching for the data. So that the average value is obtained as follows, the data is in the initial position 0.25 seconds, the middle position is 0.27 seconds, the final position is 0.29 seconds. While the use of memory that is used both eat the same memory storage, which is 523kb.</em></p> Asep Sunan Ali, Septi Andryana, Ira Diana Sholihati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 07 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Sequential Search Algorithm And MD5 In Web-Based Goods Inventory Application <p><em>Along with the development of IT companies began to utilize information systems. This technique makes it easier to find data so it is widely used. And also, if the data is stored using computerized techniques, the data information will be stored properly so as to avoid delays if you are still using a manual system. The system design method uses Agile software development. The programming language used to make the application is PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript and the DBMS (Database Management System) used is MySQL. The source code is created using the Sublime text editor application. After creating the application, the next researcher conducted testing using the black box testing method. This goods inventory application was developed using the PHP programming language on a web-based platform to make it easier to access from various platforms that only require a browser. The Sequential Search and MD5 algorithms are implemented in a data search system and inventory in a warehouse that has security so that it makes it easier to search data, view stock of goods and company data is protected from people who are not prioritized so that it is more effective and efficient.</em><em>&nbsp;The results of this study are that the existence of this inventory system application makes it easier in the storage process, reduces risks in the product search process and data security is more guaranteed.</em></p> Doni Alfiyan, Septi Andryana, Ira Diana Sholihati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 08 Dec 2023 05:24:02 +0000 Design Of Accounting Information System For Fabric Raw Material Inventory For Manufacturing Companies <p><em>The recording system for supplies of raw materials made of Maklon fabrics at PT. Leading Garment Industries is still done manually. Therefore, the resulting information report is inaccurate and takes a long time to produce a raw material report. The purpose of this research is to help manage and separate the data from the inventory of other raw materials and raw materials for fabric produced by Maclon appropriately and accurately. In this study, qualitative research methods are used with a descriptive approach. Data collection methods include observations, interviews, and case studies. The development system used is the waterfall method. Maklon's raw material inventory information system is designed for the Web with the PHP programming language and MySQL database. Based on the results of the research, the author will create an information system for Maklon raw materials and fabric inventory in the manufacturing company. Test results conclude that the designed system has been successful and in line with what was desired. The establishment of an accounting information system for raw material supplies will help in the processing of data and the provision of information reports for raw material supplies required by the related departments in the manufacturing compan</em><em>y.</em></p> Kristina Lena Owa, Karyadi Karyadi, Falaah Abdussalaam ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 08 Dec 2023 06:17:17 +0000 Searching for the Nearest Places of Worship in Bengkulu City Using Ant Colony Optimisation Algorithm <p><em>As a country with a population that has various religions, including Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism, Indonesia also has many places of worship spread throughout the region. Bengkulu is an area visited by many tourists, both local and foreign. Therefore, public facilities in Bengkulu are very necessary, one of the facilities needed is a place of worship. Information about places of worship is important and needed by tourists, especially information about the nearest route that can be taken to the place of worship. This research was carried out in order to build a system that can provide information on the nearest places of worship as well as directions that can be used as a guide to that location by implementing the Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm to find the nearest route. This application, which was created using the PHP programming language and MySQL database, can be used with various devices because this application is website-based. The application of the Ant Colony Optimization algorithm produces a route that has the shortest distance to the location of the place of worship.</em></p> Agung Kharisma Hidayah, Nur’aini Nur’aini, Anisya Sonita, Saparudin Saroni ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 19 Dec 2023 05:14:50 +0000 Smart System Model for Market Matching Recommendations for Export Destination Countries for MSMEs <p><em>Export is one way to improve the performance and growth of the MSME business. However, entering the export market is not as easy as one might think. MSMEs have to consider many factors such as regulatory requirements of the destination country, consumer preferences, and competition with local producers in the destination country. In addition, some of the obstacles to the export of MSME products are slow product turnover in importing countries because product stocks do not sell out immediately in these countries and sometimes reach the expiration date. The number of Indonesian MSMEs has reached 65.5 million, which is the largest in ASEAN countries. In addition, the contribution of MSMEs is recorded at around 61% of the national PDP and absorbs 97% of the total workforce in 2021. To assist MSMEs in choosing export destination countries, an intelligent system is needed that can recommend the right destination countries based on the characteristics of MSME products. As for how to determine the Export Destination country by using one of them based on the Trademap site. The urgency of this research aims to build an intelligent system model based on machine learning using the KNN method to recommend the right export destination countries for MSMEs. This machine learning-based intelligent system model is expected to be one of the solutions for MSMEs to effectively expand their markets abroad. This research is also expected to contribute to the development of an intelligent system that can assist MSMEs in choosing the right export destination countries and increasing export effectiveness. The results showed an accuracy rate of </em><em>99</em><em>%, with a precision level of </em><em>100</em><em>%, </em><em>100</em><em>% recall, </em><em>100</em><em>% f1-score.</em></p> Eka Yuniar, Weda Adistianaya Dewa, Fakhruddin Arozi, Ahmad Mihdan Advani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Implementation Of Decision Tree (ID3) For Student And Alumni Profiling <p><em>Profiling of students and alumni is a study that aims to identify the characteristics of individuals who enter and leave an educational institution. Through the analysis of the collected data, this study can provide valuable information for the institution namely the University of Logistics and International Business to improve the programs offered and help students and alumni to plan their careers. The data used in this study were obtained from scraping on the linkedin web, which totaled 300 data. With the ratio of the distribution of testing data and test data as much as 75%: 25%. The purpose of this research is to apply the decision tree method to student and alumni profiling at the International Logistics and Business University to see how accurate the profiling is produced using the id3 decision tree method. Conclusions that can be drawn from the results and discussion of the research that has been done. So the most influential attributes for getting students and alumni to get jobs are organization and certification skills. After forming a decision tree rule with the id3 algorithm, pre-pruning and post-pruning is done to ensure that the resulting decision tree is not overfitting. Then the accuracy obtained for the train data is 0.64 or 64% and the test data is 0.61 or 61%. With a recall of 0.36 or 36% and a precision of 0.6 or 60%.</em></p> Salsabila Vebi Natasya, Rolly Maulana Awangga, M Yusril Helmi etyawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Prediction Of Product Stock Procurement Using Single Moving Average And Single Exponential Smoothing Algorithms <p><em>Information systems and technology have a crucial role in people's lives because they help make effective decisions. Reliability in predicting Vape sales of liquid products is a priority to improve Vape shop services and profits. However, Vape Industrial does not yet have a method for forecasting the future sales of liquid goods, causing some liquids to experience an excess or shortage. In this study, an application was developed to predict the amount of stock needed in the next period. Consumer transaction data in the previous period were analyzed using the Single Moving Average and Single Exponential Smoothing algorithms. The two algorithms are compared based on the results of error calculations in choosing the right algorithm for product stock prediction. The test results show that this application is successful in predicting Besti Matcha's liquid stock well. For the daily period, the Single Exponential Smoothing algorithm with the alpha 0.2 method gives the right prediction results, with predictions of selling 1 product and an error value of 0%. As for the weekly period, the Single Moving Average algorithm with 5 periods gives predictive results of 5 products sold and an error value of 25%. For the monthly period, Single Exponential Smoothing with an alpha of 0.2 gives prediction results of 21 products sold and an error value of 10.5%. With this application, it is hoped that Vape Industrial can be effective in predicting stock requirements for the next period and avoiding excess product losses.</em></p> Septi Andryana, Muhammad Iqbal Nasution, Albaar Rubhasy ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Analisis Sentimen Masyarakat Mengenai RUU Perampasan Aset Di Twitter Menggunakan Metode Naïve Bayes <p><em>The development of the world is growing especially in social media, one of which is Twitter. Twitter itself is a social media that can be accessed by various groups to communicate, besides that there are various kinds of public opinions that are quite varied. Data collection from Twitter can be used to conduct sentiment analysis in order to find out public opinion. The research conducted by researchers is an analysis of public sentiment regarding RUU Perampasan Aset that has never been passed. This research starts from data collection, processing, data implementation and evaluation using rapidminer tools. In the data retrieval process, researchers used the keyword "RUU Perampasan Aset", the data that was successfully obtained was 413, which was then processed at the Preprocessing stage so that later it could be analyzed using the naïve bayes method in this process 179 data were obtained. The results obtained in the form of positive and negative analysis of RUU Perampasan Asetl, obtained as many as 131 or 73% positive comments and only 48 or 27% negative comments. For positive class precision 90%, and class recall of 55%, while for negative class precision 42%, and class recall of 85%, with accuracy obtained at 63%.</em></p> kivandi Nugroho, Firman Noor Hasan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Prediction of Cyber Attack Categories with Random Forest Classification Algorithm Using Rapidminer <p><em>Cyber attacks are a serious threat to organizations or institutions that use computer networks in their operations, one of which is Communication and Informatics Department of Palembang. Therefore, this study aims to implement the Random Forest classification algorithm on the Rapidminer platform to</em><em>&nbsp;predict cyber attack categories at the Communication and Informatics Department of Palembang. The data used in this study is cyber attack data from firewall devices for a certain period. The data is processed using Rapidminer with the Random Forest algorithm to predict cyber attack categories. The results of this </em><em>research </em><em>provide a high accuracy value</em><em>, thereby enabling the responsible team to take preventive action or response detrimental cyber </em><em>to the Communication and Informatics Department of Palembang. After evaluation using the confusion matrix and accuracy score, the results obtained were 99.84% accuracy and out of bag error 0.16.</em></p> Saddam Rabbani, Diana Diana ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 21 Dec 2023 07:37:36 +0000 Web-Based E-Office System at the Regional Government Office of the People's Welfare Section of Muara Enim Regency <p><em>The Muara Enim Regency People's Welfare Regional Government Office faces obstacles in conventional administration. E-office systems overcome these challenges by digitally organizing incoming and outgoing mail, managing office inventory, and integrating activity agendas. The use of this system is expected to improve service quality, administrative efficiency, information accessibility, employee collaboration and responsiveness to the community. With the e-office system, the Muara Enim Regency People's Welfare Regional Government Office can improve efficiency, transparency and quality of public services. Web-based e-office systems are an effective solution for automating administration and increasing work efficiency. This research aims to measure the effectiveness of the program, analyze the factors that influence its success, and provide policy recommendations that can improve and expand the positive impact of the program, so as to provide guidance for local government decision making in an effort</em><em>&nbsp;to improve the welfare of rural communities in a sustainable manner. Research results from the web-based E-Office system at the Muara Enim Regency People's Welfare Regional Government Office have provided a significant positive impact in increasing efficiency, transparency and quality of public services.</em></p> Bernard Abdurrahman, Suryayusra Suryayusra ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 25 Dec 2023 15:40:39 +0000 Chatbot Website Development for the Bina Darma Campus <p><em>The Bina Darma Campus has experienced rapid growth in recent years, resulting in increased complexity in managing various aspects of campus life. One of the problems that arises is the increase in demand for information services and assistance for students. To overcome this challenge, developing a chatbot website is the solution. Chatbots can increase efficiency in providing information and better interaction experiences to users. This research aims to develop a chatbot website that can be used by the Bina Darma Campus. This chatbot is designed to provide information about class schedules, campus facilities, administrative procedures, and other general questions frequently asked by users. The methodology used is the spiral method, which consists of 5 stages, namely planning, analysis,</em><em>&nbsp;design,</em><em>&nbsp;implementation, </em><em>and </em><em>testing. Then, the chatbot was developed by applying natural language processing technology and integrated with the campus information system. After that, a chatbot trial was carried out with the participation of students. Statistical analysis is used to interpret research results. The research results show that the development of a chatbot website for the Bina Darma Campus was successfully implemented efficiently. Chatbots are able to provide fast and accurate responses to user questions, which then results in a high level of user satisfaction with the experience of interacting with the chatbot. Apart from that, chatbots have also succeeded in reducing the workload of administrative staff in providing routine information to users. These findings indicate that chatbots have the potential to improve the overall efficiency of campus services.</em></p> Syahrul AlFahryan, Suryayusra Suryayusra ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 28 Dec 2023 17:13:19 +0000 Mobile-Based Defense Equipment Recognition Application Using Augmented Reality (AR) <p><em>Indonesia as a sovereign state has made significant progress in increasing its capacity for defense. Since then, Indonesia has continued to work together to increase the capacity of defense equipment as the main support of the Indonesian National Army.</em><em>&nbsp;In this strategic position, Indonesia has open sea and land borders with several neighboring countries. This makes Indonesia vulnerable to security threats resulting in national instability. This research aims to develop a Mobile-Based Defense Equipment Recognition Application using Augmented Reality (AR) which is able to recognition defense equipment models in the field of education, which is used as a means of learning media, so that people who don't know about defense equipment in AR form can find out. With the ability to scan objects in three dimensions, so that they can explore the introduction of defense equipment digitally through applications and can increase knowledge.</em></p> Ridwan Dwi Sofian, Suhendro Busono, Yunianita Rahmawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 28 Dec 2023 17:52:07 +0000 A Web-Based Decision Support System Implementation for Evaluating Premier Smartphone Brands Using Weighted Product Method <p><em>In the current modern era, smartphones have become an indispensable part of daily life, extensively utilized across a multitude of activities, particularly through online platforms. This underscores the imperative of aiding individuals in making precise decisions regarding the smartphone that aligns most with their needs. To address this exigency, the development of a Decision Support System (DSS) employing the Weighted Product method assumes paramount significance in this research. This DSS empowers users to select the most fitting smartphone by assigning weight values to various performance metrics.</em><em>&nbsp;The criteria used in this research are price, RAM, ROM, battery capacity, and Android version.</em><em>&nbsp;The successful implementation of this system streamlines the smartphone selection process, enabling users to make judicious choices that perfectly cater to their requirements while optimizing performance metrics.</em><em>. In this research, Poco X3 Pro has the highest Vector V value of 0.255441, making it the best-recommended smartphone.</em></p> Novia Hasdyna, Rozzi Kesuma Dinata, Sujacka Retno ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 28 Dec 2023 18:16:20 +0000 Application of the K-Means Algorithm for Clustering Plantation Crop Production in Indonesia <p><em>Plantation crop production is one of the main sectors in increasing people's income. Data on plantation products held by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) is in the form of raw data, namely the production results of each province each year. This makes it quite difficult for the government to identify provinces that have the potential to produce crops. By clustering plantation crop production results, it will be easier for the government to identify provinces that have the potential to produce plantation crops. In this research there were 3 plantation crop production, namely coconut, coffee and cocoa. The data used is data for 2017 – 2021 which consists of 29 provinces. From the 3 plantation crop production, the data was collected using the K-Means Algorithm Data Mining technique. The results of this research are groupings which are divided into 2 clusters obtained from the Sum of Squared Error (SSE) calculation with a minimum value of 279261.63, namely low production and large production. Based on the results of the K-Means Algorithm calculations, it was found that coconut production had a small production cluster of 24 provinces, a large cluster of 5 provinces, for coffee a small production cluster of 23 provinces was obtained, a large production cluster was 6 provinces, and for cocoa a small production cluster was obtained of 23 provinces. , a cluster of 6 provinces.</em></p> Reda Maulidina, Suastika Yulia Riska ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 29 Dec 2023 16:33:54 +0000 Implementation of Augmented Reality Technology In 5th Grade Tajwid Learning for Mim Sukun and Tanwin Reading Rules Based on the MDA Framework <p>Tajwid learning at SD Birrul Walidain Muhammadiyah Sragen currently relies in person or Direct interaction between educators and learners, using textbooks as the primary source of material. However, the results of observations revealed that there were weaknesses in the methods currently used, especially in learning the science of recitation, where from the results of the pretest carried out on students, 79.41% of them got a score below 50 (grade scale 1-100). This research aims to design a learning application for the rules of reading "MIM sukun" and "tanwin" using Augmented Reality technology based on Android. The application contains material taken from the Tajwid book "Anshorul Qur'an." The design of the learning media takes the form of an Augmented Reality-based game, utilizing the Mechanics, Dynamics, and Aesthetics (MDA) Framework, with the design process following phases of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), often referred to as the waterfall method. The research has resulted in an application called "Mahwid," which provides explanations and examples of readings for each rule of "MIM sukun" and "tanwin" in three-dimensional format. The application is developed using Android-based Augmented Reality technology, with a minimum requirement of Android version 8.0. Application testing involves black box testing, indicating the smooth operation of the application, as well as acceptability and compatibility testing, demonstrating that the application functions well on Android devices with a version of 8.0 and above. Testing has also been conducted with content experts, achieving a result of 93%, media experts at 91%, and 34 users reporting a satisfaction rate of 94%. With the positive conclusion of these tests, the application is considered suitable and appropriate for use as a learning tool in memorizing the Tajwid of the Qur'an.</p> Faisal Reza Pradhana, Triana Harmini, Hanifa Ramadhani Ayuningrum S ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 29 Dec 2023 17:05:58 +0000 Comparation of Case Based Reasoning and Certainty Factor In Cases of Oral Dental Disease <p><em>Dental and oral disease is one of the diseases that has a serious impact on human health in general, because the teeth and mouth are the initial entry for germs and bacteria. Many people underestimate this disease so that treatment is carried out when the condition is severe. Dental and oral health also affects overall health. Therefore, it is important to check your teeth and mouth regularly. The Certainty Factor and Case Based Reasoning methods are used to diagnose website-based dental and oral diseases. This research will create a website-based dental and oral disease expert system that aims to make it easier for users to diagnose dental and oral diseases. The results of this study reveal that dental and oral diseases are classified into twenty types with ninety symptoms, and each of the two methods has a different level of speed and accuracy. However, each method also has its own advantages and disadvantages, the results of the diagnosis of the Certainty Factor method are 0.20 to 0</em><em>.30 seconds faster in providing diagnostic results compared to the Case Based Reasoning method and the Certainty Factor method also has superior accuracy results of 84% while the Case Based Reasoning produces 51% accuracy</em></p> Suryo Atmojo, Ruli Utami, Suzana Dewi, Nurwahyudi Widhiyanta ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Predicting Customer Loyalty On Fast Moving Consumer Goods Using C4.5 Classification Method <p><em>Instant noodles are one of the food products from the Fast Moving Customer Goods (FMCG) industry which is a fairly large industry in Indonesia. However, competition is inevitable. So to win the competition from other companies, company management is required to determine a strategi to maintain customer loyalty. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to create an application to predict customer loyalty and determine the influential attributes by applying Data Mining Classification in the form of a desicion tree. The application method used in Classification for prediction is the C4.5 method. In the C4.5 algorithm, entropy and information gain are calculated where customer loyalty is the attribute of destination (class), while price, packaging, taste, cariety, advertising, distribution, and quality are the source attributes to obtain the root node and other nod</em><em>es. The results of the study show that the application using the C4.5 method produces an accuracy of 95.5%, so the C4.5 method can be used to assist the management of instant noodle companies in order to determine strategies to maintain consumer loyalty.</em></p> Laila Isyriyah, Imam Baihaqi, Febry Eka Purwiantono ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 05 Jan 2024 05:49:42 +0000