MAVIS : Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual <p>MAVIS (Mata Visual) adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan dua kali setahun (pada bulan Maret dan September) oleh Lembaga Penelitian &amp; Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Sekolah Tinggi Informatika &amp; Komputer Indonesia (STIKI) Malang. Terbit pertama kali pada Maret 2019. MAVIS (Mata Visual) ini sebagai media publikasi ilmiah berupa karya penelitian maupun rancangan dalam bidang seni, desain, budaya dan terapannya. Jurnal MAVIS telah berDOI</p> en-US (Siti Aminah S.Si., M.Pd) (Addin Aditya S.Kom., M.Kom) Thu, 28 Mar 2024 06:51:07 +0000 OJS 60 Home Page Mavis Volume 6 Number 1 March 2024 Siti Aminah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 08 May 2024 09:56:41 +0000 Digital Transformation as a Strategy for Nusantara Cultural Heritage Preservation: An AI Study on Paksi Naga Liman Royal Chariot, Sumedang Larang Palace <p><em>The purpose of this article is to examine how Artificial Intelligence (AI) using Dall-E, can reinterpret cultural artifacts, providing a new perspective in the visualization and understanding of the history of the Paksi Naga Liman Kencana Train. This research methodology involves collecting data from an etic and emic point of view, which is then used for AI species to produce new visualizations. Apart from that, data collection was also carried out using unstructured interviews with the tour guides on duty. The results of this research produced a number of keywords that can be used as prompts for AI, as well as various examples of visual results produced by AI based on combinations of these prompts. AI can respond to and reinterpret these cultural artifacts, providing new dimensions to the visual experience and historical understanding.</em></p> Mahendra Wibawa, Sunarmi Sunarmi, Santosa Soewarlan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 28 Mar 2024 06:50:37 +0000 Site Design and Interactive through Instagram: A Case Study on Micro Small Medium Enterprises Cimanggu Coffee <p><em>This research aims to explore the role of Instagram in the digital marketing strategy adopted by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) such as Kopi Cimanggu, focusing specifically on Site Design and Interactive aspects. The study reveals the significant relevance of social media, particularly Instagram, in enhancing visibility and strengthening brand identity for small businesses in the digital era. Employing a qualitative descriptive methodology, in-depth interviews were conducted with the owners of Kopi Cimanggu and digital marketing practitioners to detail their Instagram usage strategies. Key findings highlight that compelling visual design and effective interaction on the Instagram platform play a crucial role in attracting and retaining consumer interest. The success of Instagram utilization by Kopi Cimanggu is evidenced in enhancing product visibility and strengthening customer relationships. Thus, this research not only observes the positive impact of social media on SME marketing but also provides practical guidance for other SMEs in developing their digital marketing strategies. In conclusion, this study contributes valuable insights into the profound understanding of social media utilization, particularly Instagram, in digital marketing for SMEs. The research implications indicate that SMEs can leverage social media platforms, such as Instagram, as effective tools to expand market reach and significantly enhance customer engagement.</em></p> Dedy Ardiansyah Ramadhan, Maria Fitriah, Sukarelawati Sukarelawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Development of an Encyclopedia of Pandawa Puppet Figures as a Form of Cultural Preservation for Elementary School Students <p><em>In this modern era, knowledge about Javanese culture in elementary schools is increasingly minimal, especially wayang cultural arts. In introducing wayang culture to elementary school students so that it does not become extinct due to the impact of foreign culture entering Indonesia, causing local culture to fade, especially Pandawa wayang. In each wayang character there are positive values ​​to build the character of elementary school students. This study aims to understand the process, feasibility and practicality of developing an encyclopedia of wayang Pandawa characters as a form of preserving Javanese culture for elementary school students. This development study applies the ADDIE model, including analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The data used in the research are quantitative and qualitative. The feasibility test results obtained the "Very Feasible" category with 97.5% presentation results by media experts, 93.75% material experts, and 93.75% language experts. The practicality test received the "Very Practical" category with a percentage result of 96.00% by teachers and 99.00% by students. Therefore, the encyclopedia is appropriate to be applied as learning material in elementary schools.</em></p> Andika Gutama, Cicilia Ika Rahayu Nita, Hanna Irfani Fauziah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 04 Apr 2024 06:34:56 +0000 Visual Presentation in Packaging of Sego Pincuk and Its Influence on Gastronomic Perception and Enjoyment <p><em>Food consumption has evolved from a basic human need to a lifestyle choice. Exploration of the role of packaging in shaping consumer perceptions of taste preferences, with a focus on ready-to-eat foods in banana leaf containers known as "pincuk". Sego Pincuk attracts attention not only for its distinctive taste, but also for its simple visual presentation. The use of banana leaves as natural packaging reflects local wisdom in utilizing resources sustainably and enhancing the gastronomic experience with natural sensations. Gastronomy not only includes the taste and texture of food, but also explores the history, traditions, and values ​​associated with food consumption within a culture. Sego Pincuk's visual presentation plays an important role in forming consumers' initial perceptions of the dishes that buyers will choose. The research uses a qualitative descriptive approach to understand the impact of visual presentation on gastronomy and aesthetic experiences due to visual perception. Direct observations, interviews, and content analysis were carried out to examine the sego pincuk phenomenon to gain holistic insight into how visual packaging presentation influences consumer responses and preferences. The visual presentation of traditional packaging acts as an emotional link for consumers to their cultural heritage and culinary preferences. Emotional ties are important to maintain and promote traditional cultural values ​​in a culinary experience rich with authentic flavors and aesthetics.</em></p> Andika Agung Sutrisno ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Designing an Infographic About the Dangers of HIV/AIDS for Students in the Semarang City Area <p><em>HIV/AIDS is a global health problem that threatens the lives of many individuals. The HIV virus attacks the body's immune system, weakening its ability to fight infection and disease, which can then progress to AIDS, the final stage of HIV infection. Although certain treatments can slow the progression of the disease, awareness about the dangers of HIV/AIDS is very important, especially for college students. This knowledge can help them understand how to prevent transmission, such as practicing safe sex and avoiding sharing needles. In Semarang City, the high number of HIV/AIDS cases shows the need for further efforts to increase public awareness and knowledge, especially in the productive age group. Social stigma against HIV/AIDS sufferers is also a challenge that needs to be overcome through community-based interventions. Infographics published on social media can be an effective means of increasing student awareness about the dangers of HIV/AIDS, which is expected to contribute to preventing transmission and improving the quality of life of affected individuals. The aim of this research is to convey clear, accurate and easy to understand information to the public, with the hope of increasing awareness about the risk of transmission, symptoms, prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS. The methodology used is qualitative. The result of this research is to create an infographic design about the dangers of HIV/AIDS via social media for students in the Semarang city area.</em></p> Lintang Dewi Sekar Kinasih, Daniar Wikan Setyanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 05 Apr 2024 04:38:44 +0000 Local Genius Attribute Bayu Skak's Video Work <p><em>Communication technologies are developing very quickly, especially Internet-based communications. This corresponds to the evolution of the existing social situation, in particular the use of social networks, which is also growing rapidly. The video site YouTube is an example. Even the use of internet technology has penetrated the business world (industry). The popularity of YouTube social networks encourages users (YouTubers) to use this application or social networks to promote themselves. Bayu Skak is a YouTuber who has successfully established his presence in the video media and has now even appeared on the big screen and television. The main purpose of the qualitative descriptive research is to provide an in-depth description of Bayu Skak's video works, both visual and sound. This study adopts a qualitative descriptive approach. The results of the study show that Bayu Skak's videos on the YouTube channel are an expression of the popularity of the social network YouTube, which provides space for expression. The expression space of YouTubers cannot be separated from industrial packaging, which can combine expression and economy. Bayu Skak uses this space of expression to give his work a strong local genius identity, including the use of East Javanese vocabulary and dialect in his work</em></p> Gunawan Susilo ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 05 Apr 2024 06:23:54 +0000 Design of a Music Stage Documentation Photography Book Tani Maju Band <p><em>Malang City is one of the cities in Indonesia that has a rich and diverse music history. One of the famous music groups from Malang City is Tani Maju. Established since 1999, Tani Maju continues to enliven the music scene in Malang City until today. This research is a project by the author who has also been a documentation stage photographer for Tani Maju since 2009 until now. This research will result in a photography book documenting Tani Maju's music stage as the main medium. Music stage documentation photography is a branch of photography that focuses on documenting music performances. This photography book will contain photos of Tani Maju on stage, taken by the author from 2009 to mid-2019, and has undergone photography quality selection and editing processes by the author.</em> <em>The design method applied in this research is using a qualitative approach. The general aim of this design is to create a photography book that contains documentation of Tani Maju's music stage, and the benefits derived from this research and design are to add one form of visual artwork for the author and Tani Maju Band in the form of a music stage documentation book.</em></p> Didit Prasetyo Nugroho ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 08 May 2024 08:59:27 +0000