J-INTECH ( Journal of Information and Technology) https://jurnal.stiki.ac.id/J-INTECH <p><strong>J-Intech (Journal of Information and Technology)</strong> merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian &amp; Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), Sekolah Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer Indonesia Malang. Ruang lingkup jurnal ini pada bidang Teknik Informatika, Sistem Informatika, dan Manajemen Informatika. Tujuannya guna mengakomodasi kebutuhan akan perkembangan Teknologi Informasi . J-Intech terbit setahun dua kali, yaitu Juni dan Desember dengan ISSN (print) : 2303-1425 dan ISSN (online) : 2580-720X. dan telah memiliki DOI <a href="https://doi.org/10.32664/j-intech" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://doi.org/10.32664/j-intech</a></p> LPPM STIKI MALANG en-US J-INTECH ( Journal of Information and Technology) 2303-1425 Homepage J-Intech Volume 12 No 2 Desember 2024 https://jurnal.stiki.ac.id/J-INTECH/article/view/1756 <p>Halaman Awal J-Intech Volume 12 No 2 Desember 2024</p> ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 12 02 User Satisfaction Analysis of PPDB Online Website with the Application of Webqual 4.0 and Science Methods (Study of SMK Negeri 1 Labuan Bajo) https://jurnal.stiki.ac.id/J-INTECH/article/view/1282 <p><em>PPDB online is an integrated innovative service website designed by the Province of NTT in collaboration with TELKOM to facilitate and optimize the selection process in the implementation of PPDB (new student registration), the aim of which is to make it easier for prospective new students and their parents at the registration stage. Of course, many students experience difficulties such as registration confusion when they first use the PPDB website because there are too many features on the website. Based on this problem, the following research was carried out in order to understand the extent of user acceptance of the online PPDB website, an analysis of user satisfaction with the website must be carried out. Therefore, an analysis must be carried out regarding the factors that have an impact on the quality of user satisfaction. The aim of this research is to analyze the quality of the online PPDB website based on user satisfaction using the Webqual 4.0 and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) methods. Webqual 4.0 is determined as a questionnaire preparation flow and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) is determined as an analysis tool in the form of Gap Analysis and Cartesian quadrants. This research used accidental sampling with the number of respondents being 1,575 active students at SMK Negeri 1 Labuan Bajo with the total sample in this study being 94 students at SMK Negeri 1 Labuan Bajo class Slovin's formula. Based on the results of the level of conformity on the PPDB Online website, the usability variable is 104.84%, the information variable is 96.05%, and the interaction variable is 103.09%. This shows that the indicators for information quality, the actual quality (performance) perceived by users, are not in accordance with the expected ideal quality (importance). The results of the gap level on the PPDB Online website for the usability, information, interaction and user satisfaction variables are 0.014817, the gap value is positive 0, meaning the quality of the website meets user needs. However, there are still several indicators in the importance performance analysis (IPA) quadrant that do not meet user satisfaction.</em></p> Liliosa Indriani Andriyan Rizki Jatmiko ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 12 02 207 218 10.32664/j-intech.v12i02.1282 The Influence of Service Quality on Brimo User Satisfaction and Loyalty Using the E-Service Quality Model https://jurnal.stiki.ac.id/J-INTECH/article/view/1288 <p><em>The purpose of this study is to evaluate the quality of service offered by Bank Rakyat Indonesia's (BRI) BRIMO application, and how this impacts user satisfaction and loyalty. The Servqual method was used to survey 100 students of Universitas Merdeka Malang (UNMER). The results showed that five dimensions of service quality-tangibles, responsiveness, reliability, empathy, and assurance significantly impacted user satisfaction and loyalty. The physical elements of the BRIMO application, specifically internet availability and system responsiveness, have a significant influence on user satisfaction and user loyalty. Users are more satisfied because of the BRIMO staff responsiveness to their feedback, while users feel more comfortable and satisfied that the privacy and security of their data is guaranteed. The ability of BRIMO employees to communicate well and provide full attention increases user satisfaction and user loyalty. This research shows that improving the service quality of digital banking apps is critical to maintaining user satisfaction and their loyalty.</em></p> Fransiska Armelia Adut Viry Puspaning Ramadhan ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 12 02 219 227 10.32664/j-intech.v12i02.1288 Comparison of Naïve Bayes and K-NN in Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Regarding the Victory of Candidate Pair 02 https://jurnal.stiki.ac.id/J-INTECH/article/view/1305 <p><em>The 2024 Presidential and Vice Presidential Election stands out as a highly awaited political event by the people of Indonesia. The vote counts result, or real count, of the 2024 election have sparked a variety of reactions, both supportive and opposing, especially on social media platforms like Twitter, due to the lead of candidate pair number 02. This study utilizes Twitter as a data source for opinion interpretation. The Naïve Bayes and K-NN were chosen in this study, and their performances are tested and compared. The research results present Naïve Bayes with an accuracy rate of 87.35% +/- 1.81% (micro average: 87.35%), while K-NN algorithm achieved an accuracy rate of 69.68% +/- 3.14% (micro average: 69.68%) using a data partition ratio of 90:10. The analysis results indicate that Naïve Bayes is more effective than K-Nearest Neighbor.</em></p> Alfira Fitri Nur Azizah Viry Puspaning Ramadhan ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 12 02 228 237 10.32664/j-intech.v12i02.1305 Analysis of SIAPEL Website User Satisfaction in Malang City Electronic ID Card Services Using the E-Govqual Method https://jurnal.stiki.ac.id/J-INTECH/article/view/1299 <p><em>The implementation of e-government as an innovation in public administration using information technology prompted the Malang City government to launch the SIAPEL website, offering various public services, including electronic ID card (E-KTP) services. Despite facing challenges, such as the absence of formal research on user satisfaction, there is a critical need to evaluate the satisfaction level of E-KTP service users on the SIAPEL website. This study employs the e-govqual method, focusing on dimensions like ease of use, trust, reliability, and citizen support. The research findings indicate that all questionnaire items are valid, normally distributed, and reliable based on validity, normality, and reliability tests. The t-test identifies three significant variables influencing user satisfaction: ease of use, trust, and reliability. Furthermore, through multiple linear regressions and f-tests, it is evident that all variables significantly and positively affect user satisfaction. Overall, the e-govqual method effectively evaluates user satisfaction levels, affirming that all studied variables play a crucial role in determining user satisfaction.</em></p> Modesta Inda Kartikawati Rizza Muhammad Arief ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 12 02 238 247 10.32664/j-intech.v12i02.1299 Analysis of User Satisfaction of the GRAB Application as Online Transportation Using the TAM Method https://jurnal.stiki.ac.id/J-INTECH/article/view/1304 <p>Grab is a company that provides digital-based transportation services that continues to improve the quality of its services. Grab offers a variety of service options, from transportation, goods delivery, to food delivery. Problems with the Grab application, such as usage problems, inaccurate location points, and fictitious orders, have an impact on consumer satisfaction. Analysis of aspects that impact satisfaction is needed to assess application performance and consumer satisfaction levels. The goal of this observation is to measure user satisfaction which can ultimately provide an overview of the success of implementing the system based on user perceptions using the TAM method. This research method uses TAM. The use of TAM in this research uses 5 variables in TAM including Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness, Behavioral Intention, Actual Use, and Attitude Toward Using. The results obtained from this research in the form of independent variables have a contribution of 74.8% to user satisfaction, while the remaining 25.2% has an impact from other variables that are not present in this form of linear regression. This means that the independent variable has a contribution of 74.8% to user satisfaction, while the remaining 25.2% has an impact from other variables that are not present in this form of linear regression.</p> Melania Seindang Elan Ahmad Rofiqul Muslikh ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 12 02 248 259 10.32664/j-intech.v12i02.1304 Evaluation of User Satisfaction in Unmer Malang Digital Library Using EUCS Method https://jurnal.stiki.ac.id/J-INTECH/article/view/1324 <p>The Unmer Malang Digital Library application, an online platform established on December 14, 2023, has not yet been reviewed from a user satisfaction perspective since its inception. This study aims to evaluate user satisfaction with the application and test related hypotheses. Utilizing the End User Computing Satisfaction method and the Accidental Sampling technique for data collection, the results indicate that users are generally satisfied with the platform. Scores for various variables were: content at 3.89, accuracy at 4.15, layout averaging 4.06, ease of use at 4.11, and timeliness averaging 4. The study's hypothesis suggests that accuracy, format, and timeliness significantly affect user satisfaction, whereas content and ease of use do not have a notable impact.</p> Muhammad Yusuf Aldiansyah Andriyan Rizki Jatmiko ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 12 02 260 270 10.32664/j-intech.v12i02.1324 Application of the Electre and SAW Methods in Determining the Eligibility of Recipients of Bulog Rice Food Assistance https://jurnal.stiki.ac.id/J-INTECH/article/view/1330 <p>Poverty is a complex social problem, especially in areas where basic needs are difficult. The Indonesian government itself has developed various aid programs, including the provision of food aid in the form of rice. The provision of rice food assistance is often not on target due to various factors, including errors in collecting recipient information. The importance of determining the eligibility of Bulog rice food aid recipients by considering several criteria simultaneously to ensure that the aid is on target. This study discusses the application of the Electre and Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method in determining the eligibility of Bulog rice food aid recipients of Sukomalo Village residents. Some of the criteria used in this study were age, employment, income level, number of children, status of home ownership, drinking water source, quality of house, and electric power. Research results show that alternative A6 has a total value of E_kl=4, referred to as a primary alternative with the Electre method, while alternative A9 has a total preference value of 18 and processed by the SAW method. Based on the results of the calculation, Bulog rice food aid recipients are on target according to the conditions and conditions of recipients who are very suitable for receiving assistance.</p> Amanda Veby Dwi Candra Rahmatina Hidayati ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 12 02 271 284 10.32664/j-intech.v12i02.1330 Sentiment Analysis Sentiment Analysis on Twitter of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise Using a comparison of the Naïve Bayes Algorithm and Support Vector Machine https://jurnal.stiki.ac.id/J-INTECH/article/view/1274 <p><em>Direktorat Jenderal Bea &amp; Cukai (DJBC) is a government agency in charge of guarding and serving export and import activities in Indonesia since its establishment in 1946 which is expected by the community as the front guard in protecting the community in this field, but in recent times there have been many cases involving the institution of the Directorate General of Customs &amp; Excise which make this institution can affect the view of the performance of this institution. With the description of the problem above, it is very interesting to conduct research on public views using tweets from twitter @bravobeacukai and @beacukaiRI which are owned and processed by Direktorat Jenderal Bea &amp; Cukai as a place to channel public opinions and views on this institution. This research uses the Smote method with Naïve Bayes and compared with Support vector machine methods for these results to compare the level of accuracy. The results of this study found that using the Smote method with Naïve Bayes obtained an Accuracy value of 78.95%, Precision 74.01%, Recall 89.41%, and AUC 0.650 while for the Smote method with Support vector machine is worth 73.35% Accuracy, Precision 67.88%, Recall 88.95%, and AUC 0.853. Based on the research results, the smote method with Naïve Bayes has the greatest results and is effective with the dataset studied.</em></p> Dedi Dwi Saputra Riza Fahlapi Antonius Yadi Kuntoro Hermanto Hermanto Taufik Asra ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-21 2024-12-21 12 02 285 296 10.32664/j-intech.v12i02.1274 Comparison of 80-20 Split and Walk-Forward Validation Techniques in Predicting COVID-19 Cases in Indonesia using the ARIMA Model. https://jurnal.stiki.ac.id/J-INTECH/article/view/1373 <p>This study presents a comparative analysis of the 80-20 split and walk-forward validation techniques for forecasting daily COVID-19 cases in Indonesia using the ARIMA model. Building on previous research, the ARIMA model has proven effective in various epidemiological contexts; however, this study highlights the critical importance of selecting the appropriate validation technique. The study uses data from January 3, 2020, to October 18, 2023, to develop a predictive model evaluated using Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). The findings indicate that the walk-forward validation technique outperforms the 80-20 split, with MAE of 137.32 and RMSE of 198.23, compared to the 80-20 split MAE of 4190.92 and RMSE of 4479.15. These results suggest that walk-forward validation provides more accurate and reliable predictions, particularly for dynamic and non-stationary data scenarios. This study underscores the significant impact of validation technique selection on ARIMA model performance, contributing new insights into forecasting methodologies in epidemiology.</p> Divanda Arya Inasta Asrul Arief Andy Soebroto ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 12 02 297 308 10.32664/j-intech.v12i02.1373 Utilization of the MAUT Method in Decision Support Systems for Supplier Selection at TB. Bina Elang Perkasa https://jurnal.stiki.ac.id/J-INTECH/article/view/1364 <p>This study aims to develop a decision support system (DSS) to assist companies in selecting the most suitable supplier based on relevant criteria. The method used in this research is the Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT), chosen for its ability to accelerate the decision-making process with a reasonable level of accuracy. The system is designed to evaluate various important criteria in supplier selection. To ensure the system design and development process is structured and systematic, the Waterfall method was applied as a reference in the design and development of the DSS using the MAUT method. The results of this study show that the DSS-based MAUT method can provide valid recommendations, with CV. Bintang Gemilang selected as the best supplier with a utility score of 0.8.</p> Yulinawati Yulinawati Mohzen Gito Resmi Ismi Kaniawulan ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 12 02 309 320 10.32664/j-intech.v12i02.1364 Implementation of Multi-Layer Perceptron and Discretization in Software Defect Prediction https://jurnal.stiki.ac.id/J-INTECH/article/view/1422 <p><em>Software defects are one of the main causes of information technology waste, posing a major challenge in software development as they can degrade the quality of the software itself. To reduce costs and efforts in software development and maintenance, predicting software defects is the best approach. Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) is a type of artificial neural network that can be used to learn complex and non-linear patterns in input data. It excels in modeling complex and non-linear relationships in data, as well as automatically extracting features and handling problems that cannot be solved by linear models. One of the preprocessing steps to optimize MLP is data discretization, which involves dividing the range of attributes into intervals to reduce the number of numerical attributes to categorical data. Testing results with five types of data from NASA MDP (CM1, JM1, KC1, KC2, and PC1) showed significant accuracy improvements. In the CM1 dataset, accuracy increased to 96.1% compared to using MLP alone, which achieved 91.1%. In the JM1 dataset, accuracy increased to 79.1% compared to MLP alone, which achieved 78.3%. In the KC1 data, accuracy increased to 88.5% compared to MLP alone, which achieved 85.9%. In the KC2 dataset, MLP with discretization achieved an accuracy of 89.8%, better than MLP alone at 84.8%. In the PC1 data, the highest accuracy obtained was 95.5% compared to MLP alone, which achieved 94.3%.</em></p> Dede Wintana Gunawan Gunawan Hamdun Sulaeman Saeful Bahri ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-23 2024-12-23 12 02 321 329 10.32664/j-intech.v12i02.1422 Lazada Customer Review Sentiment Analysis with Sastrawi Stemmer and SVM-PSO to Understand User Response https://jurnal.stiki.ac.id/J-INTECH/article/view/1450 <p>In the digital era, sentiment analysis plays a strategic role in understanding customer perceptions of products and services. This research aims to analyze customer review sentiment on the Lazada platform through the application of text processing techniques and machine learning algorithms. Data is taken from product reviews on the platform, which then undergoes a preprocessing stage, including tokenization, stopword removal, and stemming using the Sastrawi algorithm. Next, sentiment classification was performed using a Support Vector Machine optimized through the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method. The research results showed that the combination of the Sastrawi stemmer method and SVM-PSO was able to achieve significant accuracy, namely 90.57%, an increase of 6.24% compared to previous research. These findings provide deep insights into customer perceptions and offer valuable guidance for decision-makers at Lazada in improving service quality and customer satisfaction. This study also underscores the importance of applying Natural Language Processing techniques and machine learning algorithms in sentiment analysis on e-commerce platforms, which have proven to produce more accurate outputs.</p> Abdun Nafi' Aris Trijaka Harjanta Bambang Agus Herlambang Saeful Fahmi ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 12 02 330 339 10.32664/j-intech.v12i02.1450 Remote VPN Management System Based on Mikrotik and Codeigniter in Sawo Village https://jurnal.stiki.ac.id/J-INTECH/article/view/1468 <p>Managing VPN accounts and configuring port forwarding on a Mikrotik CHR (Cloud Hosted Router) using Winbox is a complicated task for ordinary users who have no experience in network administration. So the configuration impacts include errors in determining TCP/UDP, Firewall Rules, IP and port numbers which result in port conflicts because the remote VPN fails to be managed properly. Based on the existing problems, the researchers created a Management Information System to manage forwarding, VPN accounts, payment gateways. So it will minimize human error and be more effective in automating configuration with a more attractive interface. This is useful for making it easier to use port forwarding on the Mikrotik CHR. The website-based VPN management system application uses the Mikrotik API and the type of VPN used is only L2TP/IPSec site-to-site protocol remote access. This research can increase productivity in managing VPN accounts and port forwarding.</p> Poerbaningtyas E Achmad Riyan Adi ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 12 02 340 352 10.32664/j-intech.v12i02.1468 Web-based Roti Gembong Sales Information System https://jurnal.stiki.ac.id/J-INTECH/article/view/1437 <p><em>This study aims to evaluate the impact of implementing a web-based application in improving the business performance of Gembong Raja Rasa bread. Through the development of this application, it is expected to improve the efficiency of the sales process, expand market reach, and ultimately increase company revenue. This study analyses quantitative and qualitative data obtained before and after the application implementation. The measured variables include the number of transactions, average transaction value, customer satisfaction level, and operational efficiency. The results showed that the implementation of web-based applications had a significant impact on the business performance of Gembong Raja Rasa bread. There is a significant increase in the number of transactions and average transaction value after the application implementation. This shows that the application succeeded in attracting new customers and increasing the frequency of purchases of loyal customers. In addition, the customer satisfaction survey results showed a significant improvement, especially in the aspects of ease of ordering and speed of delivery. Improved operational efficiency is also evident from the reduction in the time required for order </em><em>processing and inventory management.</em></p> Abdurrahman Luthfi Helmi Fadhilah Dido Muhammad Hapsah Muhamad Hanu Mursidin Windu Abdillah Lantip Sidik Estu Sinduningrum Muhammad Fitra Ghazaly Rafli Abadi Ikhwan ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 12 02 353 360 10.32664/j-intech.v12i02.1437 Wireless Network Management and Security Based on Wireless Gateway Security Controlling System https://jurnal.stiki.ac.id/J-INTECH/article/view/1494 <p><em>Along with the development of the internet today, especially the use of WiFi Networks that are already available in various places, forcing network owners or admins to be able to optimize and maintain network traffic to remain stable and secure. Where the security system used must consider the number of users and the area of ​​the network needed. In this study, the author implemented a system that collaborates the UniFi Unify Wireless Controller and Mikrotik Router to optimize Wireless Services to make it easy and safe for users. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. The steps that have been taken for the qualitative method approach are conducting a location survey, designing the topology based on the results of the location survey and implementing it directly into a wireless network system with support from the Unify UniFi Wireless Controller and Mikrotik Router, where in this topology it can monitor, manage and control wireless devices in large numbers and controlled in one Controlling System and Gateway. The results of this study are the ease of managing Wifi Networks on a large scale. Management of large numbers of wireless devices in a centralized UniFi wireless controller system and monitoring and setting services to users centrally, both Access Rights, namely bandwidth quotas and access times which are also centralized. Of course, this will make it easier for admins to manage wireless networks on a large scale.</em></p> Ronald David Marcus Annisa Dwi Prameswari ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 12 02 361 370 10.32664/j-intech.v12i02.1494 Improving Virtual Private Network Security Using Mikrotik-Based IKE/IPSEC Protocol https://jurnal.stiki.ac.id/J-INTECH/article/view/1493 <p><em>This research discusses protocols VPN (Virtual Private Network), namely PPTP, SSTP, L2TP, and IPsec, analyzes the authentication methods used in each protocol. The method used in this research is qualitative and involves testing the connectivity, authentication and configuration used in each VPN protocol. The parameters used in this research are configuration complexity, flexibility, security and the time required to connect to the VPN network. In the IKE/IPsec protocol, a comparison authentication analysis between Pre-Shared Key and certificate is carried out. Authentication using certificates is proven to be more secure even though it requires more complicated configuration compared to Pre-Shared Key. . The result of this research is the use of IKE / IPsec protocol has flexibility and good security. The algorithms in this protocol can be selected according to the needs and desired security.</em></p> Annisa Dwi Prameswari Ronald David Marcus ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 12 02 371 382 10.32664/j-intech.v12i02.1493 Classification Model of Employee Turnover Causes Using the CRISP-DM Framework https://jurnal.stiki.ac.id/J-INTECH/article/view/1502 <p><em>The problem of high employee turnover in a company has several negative impacts in terms of cost, energy, and time and one of them is felt by the fictitious Company “XYZ”. The purpose of this research is to classify the causes of employee turnover in the industry using a classification machine learning model on two different algorithms namely Random Forest and Decision Tree. In addition, this study addresses the implications of previous classification research, employee classification in the education industry, which suggests comparing the evaluation of two machine learning model performances. There are 10 variables and 9,540 historical employee data used in the research. The research technique or method used is Cross-industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM). The results of this study show that the Random Forest classification model is the optimal machine learning model with an AUC - ROC value reaching 0.9988. RapidMiner was used to revalidate the performance of the machine learning model using the same parameters and resulted in the highest accuracy value of 85.04% for the Random Forest model compared to the Decion Tree model.</em></p> Daud Fernando Rangga Gelar Guntara ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 12 02 383 392 10.32664/j-intech.v12i02.1502 Web-Based Integrated Farming Group Profile Information System with Integrated Farming (Case Study: Dawuhan Village, Malang) https://jurnal.stiki.ac.id/J-INTECH/article/view/1501 <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>Dawuhan Village in Poncokusumo District, Malang Regency, is an evolving village with significant potential in the livestock sector. However, livestock data management in this village is still done manually, facing various challenges such as limited access, data integrity issues, and time-consuming processes. To address these issues, this research aims to develop a Web-Based Integrated Livestock Group Profile Information System. The primary objectives of this study are to improve accessibility, streamline the livestock data management process, and enhance data accuracy and security. The system is designed using the Next.js framework, chosen for its ease of use and security in implementing authentication and authorization, as well as its capability for future integration. The research results show that the developed system functions according to the requirements, providing a more efficient platform, reducing errors, and enhancing the user experience for farmers involved in data management. The implementation of this system is expected to improve operational efficiency and livestock data management in Dawuhan Village comprehensively.</em></p> Arief Andy Soebroto Hendra Darmawan Raihan Fikri Brilliansyach Evan Manuel Tan Mohammad Ibnu ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 12 02 393 400 10.32664/j-intech.v12i02.1501 Image-Based Weather Classification with Modified LeNet-5 CNN Model https://jurnal.stiki.ac.id/J-INTECH/article/view/1515 <p><em>The development of technology in the field of weather information is needed especially for all aspects of life. To recognize, study, and detect weather conditions that occur, classification techniques with the help of artificial intelligence are needed. The classification model used is a convolutional neural network (CNN) with a modified LeNet-5 architecture. The purpose of this study is to test the performance of the model for the classification of sunny, cloudy, cloudy and rainy weather conditions, as well as to determine the resulting accuracy and its application. With this model. The image size used is 224x224, batch size 32, learning rate 0.0001 and trained with 50 epochs. In the model training process, 8 different scenarios were created involving augmentation and no augmentation techniques, as well as the use of one of the callbacks functions in the form of earlystopping. The CNN model that uses augmentation and earlystopping with a patience value of 5 produces the best performance because it achieves an accuracy of up to 94%. The model is implemented on a locally hosted website and produces predictions that match the weather conditions that occur</em></p> Miranda Sahfira Tuna Aries Kristianto ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 12 02 401 410 10.32664/j-intech.v12i02.1515 Web Based Consumables Control Application as Inventory Management Solution https://jurnal.stiki.ac.id/J-INTECH/article/view/1544 <p>Inventory management is an important element for agencies as physical economic resources whose existence and maintenance are needed to support the smooth work process. At the Kubu Raya BAPPEDA Office, administrative activities involving the use of consumables are still carried out conventionally, so they are prone to file damage and data loss due to paper-based manual recording. This research aims to overcome these problems by developing a web-based consumable control application that can manage data on goods, employees, requests, rooms, users, incoming transactions, incoming goods reports, and handover of goods pick-up. The research method uses a waterfall software development model, supported by the CodeIgniter framework and MySQL database. The result is an innovative application that enables centralized, automated, and real-time data management by all parts of the organization. The main advantages of this application over conventional systems are its ability to reduce the risk of data loss, improve recording efficiency, and simplify the reporting process. It also supports more transparent and accurate inventory management, while reducing the time it takes to process requests and report consumables. Thus, this application has a real impact in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of goods management in the government agency environment.</p> Riski Annisa Panny Agustia Rahayuningsih Anna Anna ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 12 02 411 421 10.32664/j-intech.v12i02.1544