The Effects of Learning How to Learn on Gen-Z Students’ STEM and Internet Skills


Cholsa Kosal


This study explored the effects of learning how to learn on Gen-Z students’ interest, confidence, and quality of learning in STEM subjects and their internet usage. The research question was: How can learning how to learn help Gen-Z students in STEM education and their daily internet activities? The research design was a mixed methods approach that combined quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis. The data sources were questionnaires and observations of students from NGS Kampong Cham who participated in five sessions of learning how to learn training. The results showed that the training had positive effects on the students’ satisfaction, learning strategies, feedback, and internet behavior. However, the training did not have significant effects on the students’ ability to apply, explain, or solve problems in STEM subjects. We suggested some implications and recommendations for future research and practice, such as conducting more studies to examine the long-term effects of learning how to learn training, using more rigorous methods to evaluate the impact of learning how to learn training on student ability, including more diverse samples to generalize the findings of learning how to learn training, developing more innovative and effective ways to integrate learning how to learn into the curriculum and instruction of STEM subjects, and establishing more collaboration and communication between stakeholders to promote and support learning how to learn as a key skill for lifelong learning.

