Implementation of Markerless as an Introduction Media To The Variant of Mobile-Based Covid Viruses


Ekananda Yanwar Julianto Chaulina Alfianti Oktavia


The Covid-19 virus has become a global pandemic since the end of December 2019. The virus was found in the Chinese city of Wuhan under the name Sars Cov 19. The Covid-19 virus spread very quickly in the world, including in Indonesia. The variants of the Covid-19 virus include the delta, gamma, iota, etc. variants. To support the identification of the type of Covid-19 virus, an Augmented Reality application has been designed which can provide information about the type, shape, character, spread, symptoms, and other information. Augmented Reality applications that are markerless can display augmented forms of these types of covid viruses. The test results show that the application functions properly and can provide information accurately and easily understood. By using the Augmented Reality feature, information can be conveyed more interestingly.

