Implementation of Push Notification in the Final Project Title Submission Information System Using Websockets


Gellen Surya Dewanta Adnan Zulkarnain


The Sekolah Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer Indonesia (STIKI) Malang is a private higher education institution located in the city of Malang, with a focus on computer science education. To complete their academic programs at STIKI Malang, students must successfully complete a set of courses and undertake a research project as their final assignment. At undergraduate level, the final assignment at STIKI Malang spans from the 7th semester (Pre-Final Project / Pre-FP) to the 8th semester (Final Project / FP), during which students propose a research topic in the Pre-FP and present their research findings in the FP. Presently, the process of submitting FP research proposals at STIKI Malang involves several stages. It begins with downloading a document for data input, followed by submitting this document to prospective faculty advisors. These advisors then make decisions regarding whether to accept or reject the proposals. Given the high volume of proposal submissions by students over a short period, prospective faculty advisors face challenges in responding to and managing these submissions effectively. The objective of developing this Information System for Submitting Final Project Titles Using Websockets is to assist and streamline the processes for both faculty advisors and students in managing, responding to, and monitoring the submission of final project research topics throughout the submission period. Testing was carried out using the Black Box Testing method by inputting various data to verify whether the generated outputs align with the expected outcomes. The expected outcome of this research is to assist and streamline the processes for both faculty advisors and students during the final project proposal submission period, making it more effective and efficient.

